Thursday, June 11, 2009

deep fried oreos

trust me when i say this snack is scrumdiddlyumptious

Deep Fried Oreos

what u need:

a box of pancake mix
tons and tons of oreos :D


prepare ur mix by following the instructions written on the back of the box

tip: freeze ur oreos for a couple of hours beforehand so they won't crumble

dip ur oreos into the mix..cover them with it then onto the frying pan :D

aaaand voilĂ  :D

feast on the yummyness and tell me what u think

last minute sprinkle; ooh and don't forget to sprinkle some powder sugar on top!

ps. picture taken from google.

pps. i would take a picture if my camera's stupid battery wasn't dead :@ arrrgh


  1. ALLLAAA they loook delicious daaaahling... I so wana make them today.. might make um later on.. bas seriously they look yummy SHAHAITEENIII!!! thanx 4 sharing the recipe with us..

    o btw 4got to tell u that im a HUGE CUPCAKE FAN o sweet desserts..

  2. dazzlin,
    they look diviiine dont they! make some n tell me what u think!
    ps. show me a pic of the result!

  3. they R DELICIOUS... awal ma i read the recipe i asked them to put 2 boxes of oreos into the freezer.. o after a while i went to make them bas i didnt use pancake box mix i made homemade y3ni :P o OMG cupcake they were delectable chee everyone LOVED them.. its kinda too late to take a pic of them *blushes* LOL

    seriously i gota thank u again 4 posting the recipe waayed 7lww..

  4. dazzlin,
    :D :D :D :D yaaaay !! i'm soooo glad u liked it !! walla ur comment made my day!
    what do u feel like cooking next :p?

  5. aww ::hug:: im glad umm i'll think about it o ill post up a recipe.. if u have any suggestions go ahead daahling u got great taste..

  6. you've been tagged ;*

  7. YOU my dear have been tagged ;**

  8. You've been tagged daaahling

    (lool kil7ad is being tagged :P)

  9. shwy shwy 3ly ;)

    lol ya thgl dmmi

    & for that i apologize
