Friday, June 19, 2009

i love algebra

I got an F in calculus
my life is over.

last minute sprinkle; not! hehehehehehhehe ^^,


  1. oooh! im sorry babe ;* if its any help.. i thnk i failed my construction engineering class..? aih.. math is not meant to be studied.. cheer up ;* life is not over until there's no more cupcake in the world ;)


  2. im sorry daaahling inshalla u'll pass next time o I HATE MATH anything to do with math i hate.. y3ni in school i passed bas awal ma i went to uni i had to take a math course o i was failing bas the poor teacher gave me a D in the end so i could pass.. poor guy walla he was good.. TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN no being sad cuz of stupid MATH.. never let math make u sad loool ..

  3. fudge math :D!
    i think i'm switching my major to rya'9 a6fal
    i love children <3
